The following are the articles related to religious and legal studies published in the Center’s various conferences and journal:
1 | A Brief Glance at the Remarkable Governing Indexes in the Constitutions of Various Countries of the World |
2 | The Components of Governing Charitable Affairs from the Viewpoint of Imam Ali (as) |
3 | A Legal Comparison and Assessment of the Methods of Establishing Public Endowments and Charity Organizations |
4 | Kindness and Serving Fellow Humans as a Lasting Means of Charity in Islamic Mysticism |
5 | Rules and Regulation of Transferring Movable and Immovable Governmental Properties to Charity, Non-Profit and Mauqufa Organizations |
6 | A Commentary and Interpretation of Benevolence and Charitable Deeds from the Perspective of Quran and Ahadith |
7 | Iran’s Legislative Criminal Policy regarding Crimes against Endowments |
8 | An Approach to Governing Charitable Affairs from an Islamic Perspective |
9 | Investigating the Legal Status of Endowment of Shares, Intellectual Properties, and Common Currencies |
10 | A Study of Wali Faqih’s Authorities in Endowing Governmental and Public Properties |
11 | An Exploration of the Islamic Viewpoint on the Prerequisites and Consequences of Benevolence and Charitable Deeds |
12 | Endowing the Financial Rights Resulting from Intellectual Property Rights in Charity Affairs |
13 | A Charity Authority System: Obstacles to Realization of the Authority of Traditional-Religious Charities at the Institutional Level |
14 | A Conceptology of the Term Charity |
15 | The Semantics of Sadaqa in the Quran |
16 | The Problems and Plagues Facing the Favorable Tradition of Waqf |
17 | Laws and Regulations Supporting Charitable Activities in the Realm of Healthcare: A Review |
18 | The Jurisprudential and Legal Conditions of the Pillars of Waqf |
19 | Meritocracy in Appointing Employees and Managers in the Field of Charity According to Imam Ali’s (as) Nahj al-Balagha |
20 | Shares of Endowment, a Financial Tool to Attract Public Participation in Waqf and Endowment Affairs |
21 | The Status of Philanthropy and Waqf in Iran’s Laws |
22 | The Status of the Principle of “Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil” in Promoting Philanthropy, from the Perspective of Shahid Motahhari |
23 | The Mutual Influence of Genetics and the Environment on the Emergence of Characteristics and Personality Traits Related to Charitable Affairs from the Perspectives of Science and Religion |
24 | Investigating the Jurisprudential Foundations of Endowing Money and Shares |
25 | Encouraging Phialnthropy and Charitable Deeds According to Chapter Ma’oun in the Quran |
26 | Semantic Differences between ‘Hasanat’ and ‘Righteous Deeds’ from the Perspective of Quran |
27 | Endorsing Waqf in the Light of Criminal Law |
28 | The Methods and Models of Philanthropy and Charitable Deeds in the Quran and Traditions |
29 | Sadaqa and Benevolence: Manifestations of Lasting Philanthropy |
30 | Semantics of ‘birr’ in the Quran |
31 | The Semantics of “On the Path of God” in the Quran; Case Study: Performing Jihad with One’s Wealth, Giving out to Relatives to the Poor |
32 | The Failure of the Laws in Preventing Crimes against Endowments |
33 | The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Laws of Iran, France, and England |
34 | A New Look at the Rule of Benevolence from the Perspective of Jurisprudence, Narrations, and Today’s Social Developments |
35 | The Function of Benevolence and Charitable Deeds in Bringing in Hearts Closers to One Another in the Islamic Society |
36 | The Economic and Social Functions of Waqf (Endowment) and Infaq (Donation) with an Approach to Prophet Muhammad’s Manners |
37 | A Probe into The Notion of Compassion as a Component of Fulfilling Charitable Affairs |
38 | Investigating the Crime of Money Laundering in the Context of Charity Organizations |
39 | Anthropology and the Choice of Good in the Context of Mazdayasna Dualism and its Impact on the Good Ending of the World |
40 | A Pathology of the Laws in the Realm of Promoting Charity and Philanthropy in Iran and Solution for it |
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